I've discovered that when God created the earth, he forgot about 5 hours. I am constantly running out of time to get the things done that I need to. I think that I would be so much more productive if I could just have 5 more hours.
But in wanting 5 more hours of time I realized that I have these questions.
1. Why is it that when you need feel like you need more time it is never there and when you want the time to pass more quickly it seems to drag on forever?
2. If I had 5 more hours in the day how would I really spend that time? Would I use it to work on things for my job....lesson plans, materials, etc. Would I spend more time with my husband doing things that we love and enjoying our time together as a couple? Or would I take that time for me.....to enjoy the things in life that I love and enjoy doing, but don't get done because I either work on something else or am too tired right now.
3. What is really the most important thing when talking about time? Is it your job, your family, your friends or yourself? This is something that I don't know the answer to and I am still searching to find an answer to. I don't know if I will ever really know the answer to it, but I hope some day I will.