Monday, March 9, 2009

Amazing Artwork

I know that it has been a while since I've posted, but there really hasn't been anything new and exciting going on. Mike is busy with his high school musical. I am getting back in the swing of things with lessons and trying to rest up on the weekends as much as I can. In reflecting both of us have realized that sometimes we take life too fast and don't stop to really take time and enjoy those things around us. Thanks to an email from my sister, I was forced to do that today. Here are some amazing photos that one can't help but to stop and take in the beauty of. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

This is a realy little girl sitting on the lily pad. The rest is calk art.

This little boy is standing on flat pavement! He is not drawn in. The chalk painting is all done by hand.

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