Thursday, March 11, 2010

Too Long

Month 6....Where has the time gone? Everyone says that they grow up so I understand what the mean. Since I have been back at work I have gotten away from posting come pictures and keeping everyone up to date. The truth is that at the end of the day when it comes down to it, I'd rather be 'playing' with Madison then being on the computer. But here and there I find some down time and I'll try to keep this blog update a little more. Here are some our new 'firsts'
First time eating pizza......or at least chewing on Dad's crust. SO much better then canned baby food.

Our little musician. Playing on Mommy's recorder. She actually made some sounds on it. Now, if only I could get all my 4th graders at school to do that!

Sitting at her big girl chair and LOVING to play with Cheerios. She hasn't quite figured out how to eat them....but is really good at throwing them all over the floor for us to pick up.

LOVED her first time in the shopping cart....minus the car seat. Now that she is sitting we use the Floppy Seat so much more. Madison loves to be up and looking around at everyone and everything as we go shopping. I have to say she is quite a flirt already...smiling and grinning at everyone she sees. I can see many more shopping trips with Mommy in the coming years!

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