Saturday, September 11, 2010

Birthday Fun

I can't believe that it has been a year since we first welcomed our little girl into this world. This past year has been an emotional roller coaster full of joys, tears and wonderful memories. Madison is such a blessing to our lives. It's hard to remember what life was like before her. We always felt like our life was complete, but she adds a new joy to it.

I'm not saying there aren't days/nights of frustation. We all 3 have our days when we reach our limit and just need a break. Luckily those days are far and few between and are surrounded by days of new experiences and special memories. We are also blessed to have an AMAZING group of family and friends that love Maddie as much as we do. This past weekend we all got to celebrate Madison's first year. It was a great time and we can't wait to see what the upcoming years have in store for us.

My first birthday dinner. Mommy made some of my favorites...watermelon, corn, and hotdogs.

Opening a BIG doggie from Grandma Mary. I love dogs. 'Doggie" was one of my first words and I say it every time I see a dog when we are out taking walks. Sometimes I get upset because my Mommy doesn't let me run over and pet them right away. She says I have to ask first. So I do and then I get to pet fun!

Reading a new book. about can you guess........DOGS!

My special butterfly cake and the cupcakes Mommy made formy party.

Ummmmm.....cake is good!

After I ate with my hands for a while, Mommy gave me a fork to use. I am really good at using a fork when I eat and get so excited when I 'jab' something.

Opening presents and eating cake can wear a girl out. Luckily I can take a break here with my cousin Carson.......I love that boy.

OMG!!! Can you believe I am one?

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