I am up late tonight because I have heartburn and can't get to sleep. I came across this survey about your childhood. I think that some of you probably know most of my answers already and some of you might be a little surprised. For others it might explain some things!
Here are my answers. Mike filled in his answers too. His are in green and mine are in black. As we are starting our own family I can only wonder how our child will answer these same questions 30 years from now.
1. How far back can you remember your childhood (how old)?: I remember going to see Babes in
Toyland in Kindergarten. I guess that would be age 5.
About 32. Who would you say had the biggest part in raising you?: Mom and Dad. Both for different reasons
My Mom3. Name 3 of your favorite childhood toys.: My Cabbage Patch Doll Julie,
Rusifee my stuffed something or other, any Barbie that we had.
Legos, Thumb Wrestlers, Nintendo...........I was also very fond of my stuffed spiderman that had velcro on his hands and feet as well as my CHiP's motorcycle.4. What was your favorite Disney movie?: Just one..... I loved and still do love all of them! If I had to choose my top would be The Little Mermaid.
I didn't really like them all that much but if I had to choose......101 Dalmatians. Peter Pan was ok too, I guess.5. Favorite cartoon?: Gummi Bears or Smurfs
There were way too many to name them all but a few of the favorites were: HeMan, ThunderCats, Gummi Bears, Smurfs, Tom. and Jerry (but I wasn't allowed to watch it.....to violent) and GIJoe......I know what you are thinking but it's true.......GIJoe, good....Tom and Jerry, bad.6. Were your parents together for most of your childhood?: All my childhood. I couldn't have asked for better parents.
Yes and still are today7. Were you an only child?: No....I was the middle child. (I know that explains a lot for some of you)
No....the oldest of 3 boys.8. Where did you live at the age of 4?: Coshocton, Ohio .......on the farm
Brockport, NY9. Where were you born?: Coshocton, Ohio.....at the hospital not the farm!
Wilmington, DE10. Do you know how much you weighed at birth?: 7lbs. 14 oz???
7lbs. 3 oz.11. What was your first word?: According to Mom it was '
ganna'....which for those of you who don't speak toddler....it's Janna. From what I hear once I said it I wouldn't stop...over and over again. '
da da'........baby talk for Dad12. How old were you when you took your first steps?: I wasn't sure so Mom filled me in. First step was at 7 months and was more of a run then a walk. She said I had one speed.....fast.....or I crashed. (Much like me today!)
8 1/2 months......not a very timid walker but not a crazy man like on the go Julie!!! (however I was potty trained a half month later.....something I am quite proud of to this day!)13. Were you a mama or daddy's girl/boy?: I would say neither. I was pretty
A little of both.....I didn't like to disappoint anyone. I was more of a Mamma's boy and still am today.14. Did you know all of your grandparents?: All but my Dad's mom, she died when he was a little boy.
Yes.15. Ever get spanked?: Spanked no.....soap in the mouth.....yes.
Once, because I ran out into the street but it was more like a pat.16. What elementary school/schools did you attend?: Conesville St. Peter's Catholic Elementary School.17. Did you ride the bus?: In 6
th grade and I thought it was the best thing in the world!!
Only in Middle School and I HATED it.18. Did you take your lunch to school or eat cafeteria food?: Usually ate at school. Sue Adams was the BEST cook.
Most of the time I took my lunch to school, but I can remember buying every once and a while.19. Who was your favorite elementary school teacher?: Mrs.
Pooley Either my 1st or 3rd grade teachers.....I can't remember their names. I did NOT like Mrs. Jinjrazack.....I do remember that name.20. Did you have any special names for your grandparent?: Nope...just Grandma and Grandpa
Just my grandpa on my mom's side......PopPop21. How old were your parents when you were born?: Dad was 30 mom was 25???
Dad was 29, Mom and 2622. Were you named after anyone?: My Great Great Grandma and a student that my mom had in class
My middle name is after my Dad.23. What was your favorite candy?: Butterfinger All of them......I was a little bit of a chunker growing up. If I had to pick one favorite it would be bubble gum cigarettes........(this coming from the asthma prone man who almost passed out at his first personal training session this year)24. Favorite board/card game?: Clue.........and I HATED Monopoly.
I really liked this game called Labyrinth. I, unlike Julie, like and still like to this day the game Monopoly.25. Did you have an imaginary friend?: Nope....lots of cousins and siblings to keep me busy.
No.....I didn't have an imagination so having an imaginary friend was not an option.26. Were you very close with your family, other than immediate?: Yes. My cousins were more like brothers and sisters.
No.....we lived too far away.27. Who was your best childhood friend?: It changed throughout school, but probably the one who I played with the most was my sister Janna and my cousin Amy.
In elementary school it was Jonathan and Davis. In middle school.........well lets just say those are 2 years of my life that I don't remember with fond memories. In high school and college it would be Matt....hands down.28. What kind of neighborhood did you live in?: A farm isn't a neighborhood.
We lived in a subdivision........2 different ones in NC along with a rental house and a subdivision when we moved up to Ohio.29. Did you ever go to day care?: Not a day care center, but went to the baby sitter's during the day.
Yes....but not a real one. I went to a lady's house where I got to sit on her son's motorcycle, eat Captain Crunch and take naps on the sofa. I also picked strawberries and green beans from her garden.....I know I can't even believe it now. But, don't worry I made sure I washed my hands when I was done.30. Ever go to summer camp?: YES!!! 4-H camp at Camp Ohio and many sports camps
NO31. Are you still good friends with anyone you grew up with?: Yep
Other then Matt...no.32. What did you want to be when you grew up?: A doctor
For the longest time it was Wonder Woman.....seriously. Later on I really wanted to be an astronaut (until the shuttle blew up) and then an architect. However I wasn't good in math so I never followed my dream.33. Would you say you were spoiled?: No
No.34. What were you scared of the most as a child?: Snakes
Messing up, disappointing my parents, using scissors, the dark, the tape we use to listen to in Kindergarten about Chicken little and the sky falling.....I couldn't get to sleep during nap time because we listened to it almost every day, snakes, dogs, spiders (we had the jumping kind in NC), getting dirty......do I really need to go on? I think you get the point.35. What's your favorite childhood memory?: Summer Adventures with Janna, Amy, Matt and Robbie
Trips to NY to visit my family.