Monday, February 2, 2009

Latest Update

I have been getting a lot of grief from people because I haven't posted much on the site lately. Unfortunately I don't have any fun pictures, but here is a quick update of what has been going on so far.

1. Cold Weather - About 2 weeks ago we were hit with FRIGID temperatures and snow. Cold temps. mean bad things for the upstairs bathroom at the Porretta house. The toilet is on an outside wall and ever since we moved in when it gets really cold out, the toilet won't fill back up. We know it's a problem, but the pipes are in the floor and we just dealt with it for the day and used another bathroom. Well last week our procrastination in dealing with it caught up to us. We had a pipe freeze and break causing water to pour out all over the kitchen floor. We were lucky that the pip burst in the over hang of the house and didn't damage any walls or ceilings. It did however drip into the basement which now gives us a reason to go though the boxes of old papers and school things that were just sitting down there.

2. Cold Weather Strikes Again - This past week we got hit with another batch of snow. Not quite so cold as the last one, but this one came with enough snow and ice to give both Mike and I two days off of school. Mike spent much of his first day shoveling snow and being the loving husband while I laid on the couch and slept....(see baby website for more info on that issue). We ventured out on our second day to have lunch at one of our favorite eateries.....Cafe Shishkabab. It's a Turkish Restaurant that has great lunch specials, but we don't get to partake in them because we are at school every day. The road were ok by us the over in Arlington where the restaurant is was another thing. I do have to give Mike A LOT of credit. He kept his comments pretty calm about the other crazy drivers during the trip.......maybe he was just playing it safe based on my mood the previous 2 days. But overall it was a nice two days and a few days of relaxing time that we both really enjoyed.

3. Baby Planning - It has been fun talking baby plans, names, colors, etc. It seems that everyone has an opinion on things. From names to finding out the sex to what the kid is going to be when it grows up. Mike and I had a lot of fun looking a cribs and baby furniture online and in stores this week. Mike being the planner even made up a diagram of our 'ideal baby room'. However most of the things that we found to put in that we like are from Pottery Barn the the grand total of the room was like $7000 with out any paint or bedding!!!! However it's fun to plan to dream and think. We have another Dr.'s appointment coming up this week and if there is any news to share we will let people know what it is.

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