Friday, June 11, 2010

9 months old

Maddie had her 9 month check up on Thursday. It's hard to believe that 9 months ago we just found out that we were going to be parents. Oh how our lives have changed! There is never a dull moment that is for sure. Madison brings so much joy to our lives, we can't imagine what we did without her.

Here's Maddie at Dr. Fulop's office. Our little peanut is 16 lbs. 8 oz. That puts her in the 10 percentile for her weight at 26 3/4 inches she is in the 15 percentile for her length. Her head circumference is in the 75th thought. Mike likes to say its because she is so smart! We were worried about her being little, but she has constantly stayed in the 10-15 % since she was born. The doctor said that was just fine.

By no means has that hindered her development. Maddie is already walking....and has been for about 2 weeks now. At about 8 months she started taking 'steps' but has been a woman on the go for a good 2 weeks now. She loves to pick up things off of the ground and carry them around the house. Her favorites are a stuffed cow that is the size she is and her Johny the Tractor book. It is a blessing that our house is set up in a circle down stairs....she just walks and walks and loves to chase Mommy around the kitchen island.

Speaking of stairs we had to go buy a baby gate this week. Mike was working in the living room the other day as Maddie was taking her daily stroll around the house when he didn't hear her any more.  "Maddie...Maddie....' he called, but she didn't come pitter pattering like she normally does. He went to the front door and there she was sitting on the 3rd step of the stairs. Later that day when was working on the computer he turned to find her on the 4th step! The little one is adventurous for sure! So that afternoon we took an outing to Babies R Us and are officially sporting the baby gate....which does SO much for the overall decor of the house (Vern Yip would NOT approve).

Madison has been adventurous as far as her food goes too! Now that we are home for the summer we are trying to do less baby food and more people food. She loves it. To the point that she really doesn't want baby food now except for her cereal and the occasional canned fruit. Some of her favorites are bananas, bread, chicken and steak......yes steak (grandpa Joe and uncle Robbie would be so proud!) He have recently tired hummus which she loves. She was a big fan of the roast pork and cheesy potatoes that we had at Lauren's graduation party, so we have already got her set for all the Porteus/Buxton/Wells reunions! Speaking of family favorites, she also has her love of spaghetti and meatballs like her daddy. She had a grand time eating them the other night.....but would refuse to be fed with a fork. She would only eat them with her hands.

Life has been amazing the past 9 months. We can't wait to see what the next 9 months and many more years have in store for us. I'm sure there will be smiles and a few tears as well, but we wouldn't change it for the world!
               Madison before her shot at the doctor.................
Madison after her shot at the doctor.

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