Monday, August 16, 2010

A few good laughs.....

Maddie is constantly cracking us up. From being a little ham (wonder where she gets that from), to testing us to the point that we have to turn away so we don't laugh to her contagious laugh, Miss Maddie is an absolute joy and we are blessed to have her in our lives. I know that we don't see all of our extended family as much as we would like to people don't see how fast she is growing up. I hope that these little snippets of our Miss Maddie bring a smile to your face until you get to see the real thing in person.

The lighting on this one isn't all that good, but the sound is what you really need to hear. Marley and Maddie are playing together so much more in just the past week or two. Marley is a woman on the go...crawling everywhere and chasing Maddie. Maddie loves the attention and tries to show Marley all of her fun toys and gadgets around the house.

This video is just after lunch the other day. I had just finished giving the girls their lunch and was over by the sink getting things cleaned up. The next thing I heard was Marley just giggling away. Maddie would then get excited and giggle and scream and the whole thing would start over again! I sat and just laughed with them for a while then ran to get the camera. This is about 10 minutes into their 'conversation'. I didn't get the really good part, but the part that I did get is priceless. I love how at the end both girls decided that they were 'done.' We have taught 'done' to Maddie and Marley has picked it up to let me know when she is done with lunch. Maddie has picked up Marley's snooty face as you can see from some of the other pictures on the other posts.

This next one is of Maddie before bed tonight. She had already eaten dinner and had her bath for the night. Mike and I were sitting down to eat our dinner before our nightly routine of reading a few books, having a bottle and then rocking to sleep (Maddie that is....not Mike and I). Usually Maddie will find something to do to amuse herself while we eat or will be happy watching Yo Gabba Gabba for 10/15 minutes while we shovel our food in! However tonight was not one of those nights. She wanted to be in the kitchen with us....pulling at our legs and asking to be picked up. So we put her in her high chair next to us armed her with a piece of bread and some banana flavored puffs and we were good. That was until she realized that her arms were long enough to reach the top of her head and she could 'store' her puffs there.

So we decided that she was either being a little ham or that it was getting close to bedtime and she was getting a little loopy. I personally have NO idea where she would get being a ham from so it had to be a bit of loopiness before bed. I hope you enjoy Miss Maddie as much as we do.

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