Friday, October 16, 2009

Its all worth it.

Well it has been an intesting few weeks. Just when we think we have Miss Maddie figured out, she throws us for a loop. About 2 weeks ago went to the doctor because Maddie just wasn't her self...spitting up a lot, not nursing as well, crying all the time and hardly sleeping during the day....we found out Maddie has severe acid reflux. There really isn't much we can do.....other then hope that she out grows it. The doctor did give us some medication that would help with the pain in her esophagus. It seemed to help and Maddie was acting a little more like herself....even doing well on a long weekend trip to New York to visit family.

That however was short lived. Last week the crying started back up again. During the day it wasn't as bad. She would still cry after she spit up, but it wasn't the wailing cry that it was before thanks in part to the Zantax the Dr. prescribed. However evenings were/are a different story. About 6:00 each night we would start with our crying spell. Nothing we could do would calm her down. Mike and I spent our evenings walking around the circle of the house bouncing, shhhhing, and trying to calm her down. I am so thankful to have Mike to take this journey with. It seems like when one of us is at our wit's end the other one is refreshed and ready to step in.

The constant crying lasted for about a week until we discovered our new best friend.....the vacuum cleaner! It seems to be the only thing that will calm her down. The only problem is that when you shut it off....she starts crying again. So needless to say our carpets are really clean! We have even resorted to getting out the old sweeper to run just so we don't wear our regular one out (however that just might be the way to get that DYSON that I have always wanted).

Maddie seems to be doing a little better these last few days. She still spits up A LOT after almost every meal and doesn't seems to be in as much discomfort as long as she has her medicine. She has started sleeping through the night.....once we can get her to fall to sleep that is. I don't know if it's her feeling better or us just finding the 'tricks' that work best for us. In any case, we are still trudging along. This road called parenting is filled with bumps and roadblocks and twists and turns. Occasionally though, as we are driving along we see an amazing view that reminds us of God's special gift to us and why we love our little one so matter how sleep deprived, stressed or covered in spit up we are.

1 comment:

Jacie Wright said...

I so feel your pain. We went through that with Avington until she was 6 months old. I changed her clothing at least 3 times a day and she didn't cry... she screamed. I vividly remember that feeling of hopelessness and thinking "I didn't sign up for this". I would just stand and cry because there wasn't anything else to do. I stated taking Avie to the chiorpractor and that seemed to help as well. We were also on acid reflux medication starting at 6 weeks. Please know I am praying for you and thinking about you. Its not at all easy, but don't blame yourself! It is all worth it in the end!